Monday, November 10, 2008

Guest Post: Evil Twin

Evil Twin has volunteered to entertain you with a piece of our shared history. Back in the day, I was scrambling to find funds for my Brief Yet Disastrous Attempt At Grad School. I asked ET for a letter of recommendation for a small scholarship. She graciously complied.

The Northern Town Garden Club
Northern Town, New England.

To whom it may concern:

It is my honor and privilege to recommend Liz C. for your annual Military Wife scholarship. I have known Liz for four years. We became fast friends on the day that she took pity on me and told me where the ladies’ room was on my fourth day at the new job.

She embodies many qualities I admire. When her husband is on deployment, she sucks it up and takes out the recycling. She does not whine. Her young daughter says "please" and "thank you" without prompting. Liz uses her turn signal religiously, and most important, she plays no musical instruments.

If she says she’ll spend the $500 scholarship money on books, she probably will. She’s cut way back on the beer since we joined Weight Watchers.

Liz is a good military wife and mother, and way too smart to be making copies all day. Thank you for considering Liz for this scholarship.


Evil Twin

I got the scholarship.

This is a bona fide No Shitter. And that is why she's my BFF.

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