He told me recently that his ex said he had the gift of making the Talking Heads come on the radio whenever he's in the car. I haven't done a statistical analysis*, but she may be right.
Once In A Lifetime,
Or... it could just be that the radio station we listen to plays a lot of Talking Heads**.
Anyway, this is my favorite Talking Heads song and video. It was one of the first videos I remember watching on MTV, back in 1982 or so***. I remember dancing around the living room to it while pregnant with Lovely Daughter. I thought it was the coolest video ever.
And you know, over 25 years later, it still retains the capacity to Rock!
p.s. Mr. B's out of town for two weeks. Not liking it.
* (yet)
** Yeah, I know. Occam's Razor, blah, blah, blah.
*** Come to think of it, that was only 3 years before I first met Mr. B.
I'd like to think that if I'd ever been a Rocker, I'd have been David Byrne-like. Perfect video to precede a day of furrowing my brow and interviewing people.